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- This is the alpha test demo of Redneck Rampage. It is about one-third of
- the first level of the full version of the game. As with all free demos,
- there are bound to be a few rough edges:
- * Although you can play a network game with up to 8 players, we
- recommend no more than 4 in this demo version.
- * You may experience 'Out of Sync' problems in network play.
- If this happens, start a new game. If it continues to happen,
- try playing with enemies turned off.
- * There is no end to this demo: once you have killed all the enemies,
- there is really nothing more to do, except to continue to roam around
- Taylor Town and keep trying to get the truck to drag your corpse
- around.
- 1. Type SETUP to configure the game to work with your sound card, screen
- size, and game controls.
- 2. Pick 'Save & launch Redneck Rampage' to begin killing.
- 3. Hit ESC to display menu.
- 4. If this doesn't work, load an SVGA VESA driver (1.0 or 2.0 is fine).
- We've included a demo VESA driver in the SCITECH directory; run it
- before running Redneck Rampage. Or consult your video card
- manufacturer's manual or web site to get the card's VESA video driver.
- A classic tale of alien livestock abduction! Leonard and Bubba are two
- good-ol' boys from the backwoods of Arkansas who have a score to settle
- with some low-down, dirty space aliens. It seems these ornery extra-
- terrestrials made off with their prize pig, Bessie. Now they're fixin' to
- find out what happens when you separate a man from his sow. So ride
- shotgun with our two unlikely heroes as they go on the rampage, searching
- high and low for Bessie and stomping on anything that gets in their way!
- MINIMUM CONFIGURATION: A Pentium P90 with 16MB RAM, a PCI or local bus SVGA
- video card, 30 MB free space on a hard disk drive, and a CD-ROM drive.
- RECOMMENDED CONFIGURATION: A Pentium P166 with 32MB RAM, a PCI or local bus
- SVGA video card, 30 MB free space on a hard disk drive, a CD-ROM drive, and
- a sound card with kick-ass ear-bleeding self powered speakers.
- SUPPORTED GRAPHICS: SVGA 640x480 Minimum. SVGA 1600x1200 Maximum.
- SUPPORTED SOUND: Gravis UltraSound, Sound Blaster/Pro/16/AWE32, Yee-Haaw,
- Oink Oink, SoundMan 16, Pro Audio Spectrum, SoundScape, WaveBlaster, Sound
- Canvas, Adlib, Disney Sound Source, and General MIDI.
- The following cheat codes are used by typing in the code from the keyboard
- while the game is being played:
- RDELVIS Elvis Mode - Makes you invincible. Type it again to become
- mortal.
- RDALL Take It All - Gives you all health, items, ammo and weapons.
- Forward: UP ARROW
- Backward: DOWN ARROW
- Strafe: L-ALT or R-ALT
- Fire: L-CTRL or R-CTRL
- Fire Shotgun ( Both Barrels ) Hold Down L-CTRL or R-CTRL
- Open: SPACE
- Haul-Ass: CAPSLOCK
- Jump: A or /
- Crouch: Z
- Look Up: PGUP or KEYPAD 9
- Look Down: PGDN or KEYPAD 3
- Look Left: INS or KEYPAD 0
- Look Right: DEL or KEYPAD .
- Strafe Left: ,
- Strafe Right .
- Aim Up: HOME or KEYPAD 7
- Aim Down: END or KEYPAD 1
- Center View: KEYPAD 5
- Turn Around: BACKSPACE
- Map: TAB
- Map Follow Mode: F
- Mouse Aiming: U
- Crosshair: I
- Increase/Decrease Screen: +/-
- Drink Whiskey W
- Drink Moonshine M
- Eat A Moonpie O
- Drink Some Beer B
- Inventory [ or ]
- In this demo version of 'Redneck Rampage' you have four weapons at your
- disposal.
- 1) Crowbar - A very personal way to beat the shit out of someone.
- 2) .454 Pistol - It packs a mean wallop, great for long range shootin'...
- 3) Shotgun - Hold the fire key down to shoot both barrels at once!
- 4) Dynamite - Perfect for blowin' shit up...
- To select a new weapon simply press the appropriate key.
- There is currently one object in the 'Redneck Rampage' demo that you can
- 'push'. Look for the shelf located in the back room of the country store.
- Simply walk up to the left side of the shelf and move your character
- against it and it will move out of the way to reveal a secret area in the
- back.
- To get into the silo, toss a stick of dynamite at the bullseye! Once
- opened, you'll be able to walk right in.
- The 'Redneck Rampage' demo also has a ladder that you can climb. When you
- find it, simply use the 'a' key to ascend, and the 'z' key to descend.
- When your health is getting low from taking too much buckshot, find
- yourself a bag of pork rinds or a moonpie for a quick power up. Also, if
- you find a bottle of whiskey, you can take it with you and use it whenever
- needed by simply pressing the 'W' key. You can drink beer too but don't get
- too drunk or you'll get your ass shot off pretty damn quickly. Hint: When
- you get drunk eat some food ... it'll sober your ass up pretty quickly.
- Drinking heals you, just like in real life. It also gives you a greater
- sense of courage and strength by reducing your intellect and inhibitions.
- If you become really shit-faced, however, you will experience adverse
- effects, just like in real life. You'll see.
- Hint: Get into the green zone of both the alcohol and gut meters.
- When you're a little buzzed and have a little food in your gut, you'll kick
- more ass and take less damage.
- *** USA CONTACTS ***
- Telephone: 714-553-6678
- Fax: 714-252-2820 (Attn: Customer Service)
- E-mail: support@interplay.com
- WWW: http://www.interplay.com/
- BBS: Telnet to bbs.interplay.com
- BBS Modem: 714-252-2822
- America Online: Keyword INTERPLAY or e-mail IPTECH
- CompuServe: GO GAMBPUB or e-mail 71333,1467
- Prodigy: E-mail PLAY99B
- FTP site: ftp.interplay.com
- Mail: Interplay Customer Service
- 16815 Von Karman Avenue
- Irvine, CA 92606
- Tel: 011+ 44 1628 423723
- Fax: 011+ 44 1628 487752
- Write to: Customer Support
- Interplay Productions, Ltd.
- Harleyford Manor
- Harleyford
- Henley Road
- Marlow
- Buckinghamshire
- SL7 2DX
- Copyright (c) 1997 Xatrix Entertainment. All rights reserved. Redneck
- Rampage is a trademark of Interplay Productions. All rights reserved. All
- other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Interplay is
- the exclusive licensor and publisher of Redneck Rampage.
- This special preview version of Redneck Rampage (the 'Software') is
- intended solely for your personal noncommercial home entertainment use.
- You may not decompile, reverse engineer, or disassemble the Software,
- except as permitted by law. Interplay Productions and Xatrix
- Entertainment, Inc. retain all rights and title in the Software including
- all intellectual property rights embodied therein and derivatives thereof.
- You are granted a revocable, nonassignable limited license to create
- derivative works of this Software solely for your own personal
- noncommercial home entertainment use and may publicly display such
- derivative works to the extent specifically authorized by Interplay in
- writing. A copy of this authorization, if any, will be provided on
- Interplay's World Wide Web site, and may also be obtained by contacting the
- legal department at Interplay at (714) 553-6655. The Software, including,
- without limitation, all code, data structures, characters, images, sounds,
- text, screens, game play, derivative works and all other elements of the
- Software may not be copied (except as provided below), resold, rented,
- leased, distributed (electronically or otherwise), used on pay-per-play,
- coin-op or other for-charge basis, or for any commercial purpose. You may
- make copies of the Software for your personal noncommercial home
- entertainment use and to give to friends and acquaintances on a no cost
- noncommercial basis. This limited right to copy the Software expressly
- excludes any copying or distribution of the Software on a commercial basis,
- including, without limitation, bundling the product with any other product
- or service and any give away of the Software in connection with another
- product or service. Any permissions granted herein are provided on a
- temporary basis and can be withdrawn by Interplay Productions at any time.
- All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
- Modem and Network Play. If the Software contains modem or network play,
- you may play the Software via modem transmission with another person or
- persons directly without transmission through a third party service or
- indirectly through a third party service only if such service is an
- authorized licensee of Interplay. For the purposes of this license, a
- 'third party service' refers to any third party service which provides a
- connection between two or more users of the Software, manages, organizes,
- or facilitates game play, translates protocols, or otherwise provides a
- service which commercially exploits the Software, but does not include a
- third party service which merely provides a telephonic connection (and
- nothing more) for modem or network play. Are you paying attention, dumb-
- ass? Authorized licensee services are listed on the Interplay Productions
- World Wide Web Site located at http://www.interplay.com. This limited
- right to transmit the Software expressly excludes any transmission of the
- Software or any data streams thereof on a commercial basis, including,
- without limitation, transmitting the Software by way of a commercial
- service (excepting those specific commercial services licensed by
- Interplay) which translates the protocols or manages or organizes game play
- sessions. If you would like information about obtaining a pay-for-play or
- commercial license to the Software, please call Interplay Productions at
- (714) 553-6655. Nothing in this paragraph is intended to prevent you from
- downloading the Software from Interplay's Web site or from commercial
- service providers authorized by Interplay to provide the Software to you.
- Acceptance of License Terms. By downloading or acquiring and then
- retaining this Software, you assent to the terms and restrictions of this
- limited license. If you acquired the Software and do not accept the terms
- of this limited license, you must return the Software together with all
- packaging, manuals and other material contained therein to the store where
- you acquired the Software for a full refund and if you downloaded the
- Software, you must delete it.
- The producers of Redneck Rampage would like to thank the following
- people...
- Jim Gauer and Enterprise Partners, Inc. for the green light and the money
- to produce Redneck Rampage.
- Brian Fargo and Alan Pavlish at Interplay for actually buying it.
- Mom, Pop and Kitty Markham for yer' kind hospitality and the crawfish at
- yer' Dudley & Gerald's in Shreveport, Louisiana.
- John Venoble and his wife Peggy for the use of yer' wave-runners at Lake
- Bistineau, Louisiana. Special thanks to John Venoble for towing us back to
- the marina after we broke um'.
- Joe, Bo and Charlene Dowden for the cruise on the 'Pine Cove Express' even
- though we didn't spot any of yer' there 'gaters like you said we would.
- Steve and Vivette Middlebrooks and their son Quaid of the 'Borra Borra
- Booze Cruise' in Bossier City, Louisiana for supplying the Tequila and
- Dramamine.
- Brandi Middlebrooks of Bossier City, Louisiana -- call us when you turn 18.
- Mike and Susan Jarrett for the chaw.
- Ralph & Kacoo's for the shrimp gumbo and hush puppies.
- Kelly's Truck Stop, Greenwood, Louisiana.
- The guy at 'The Horseshoe Casino' in Shreveport, Louisiana who rolled 10
- straight points before crapping out.
- The Texas Department of Public Safety for not hauling Chuck's pucker'd ass
- off to jail for exceeding the legal limit.
- Shreveport Sewage Treatment Facility for not pressing charges and for
- letting us keep the film.
- Justin, Charlie and Little Mr. Tee Tee, the three muddy redneck kids of
- Taylor Town, Louisiana and their dog Teddy for the inspiration.
- Shawn Green, Jay Wilbur and Mike Wilson of id Software for feedin' us the
- killer Mesquite BBQ.
- Scott Miller at Apogee for all the free Duke Nukem shit and showin' us
- where to find some shave-ice.
- Mom and Pop at 'Pop's Pantry' in Koran, Louisiana for the beef ribs and for
- not shootin' at us when we jumped yer' fence to take a picture of yer cute
- chickens.
- Walt Phandl of Phandl Metals, Inc. the only person we could find who is
- manly and virile enough to actually own and shoot a .454 Casul.
- K Genecco Gunworks, Stockton, California.
- The Million Dollar Club, Dallas, TX.
- Del Frisco's Double Eagle Steak House, Dallas, TX.
- The kind and warm hearted people of Louisville, Arkansas.
- Burge's BAR-B-Q, Cones and Shakes of Louisville, Arkansas.
- Murrell's Diner in Shreveport, Louisiana for the killer grits.
- Jason Graff ... 'The Graffster' ... 'Jasorino Grafinator The Graff Man' ...
- at Kinko's for makin' copies at the copy center.
- Wes Stevens at The Talent Group, Inc.
- John Conley for being one bad-ass mo-fo and keeping Burton Gilliam safe
- while in L.A.
- Kevin Vance, Mike Baumer and the rest of the spec. warriors at Naval
- Special Warfare Center ST-1 and ST-5 in Coronado, CA. for reminding us
- that freedom is not free (and teaching us a bunch of really neat stuff.)
- R. Carter Lipsomb the most backwards-ass hillbilly Mississippi redneck we
- know, who was with us on that faithful journey to the Arklatex, for proving
- to us all that it wouldn't hurt to eat crawfish without removing the mud-
- vein.
- Paul Vais for being a savior, mentor and friend to everyone at Xatrix.
- Lynn, Nicole and Cathrine Paiz
- Caryn and Alyson Kaufman
- Minnie Mayberry
- Einat Doran
- Patricia Fernandez
- Sarah May